
5 Best Social Media Marketing Platforms 2024

Now that social commerce is all the rage, if you can seize the opportunity and explore this blue ocean, you’ll have an unbeatable tool to beat the competition. Social media marketing plays an essential role in branding efforts. It helps increase sales, enhance product reputation online, and build user trust in products. Therefore, as e-commerce sellers, you need to understand and master social media marketing strategies and use them for your store promotion.

To be honest, social media platforms are actually a very huge pool of traffic. Suppose you can be familiar with the rules of these platforms and post product information and engaging content on these sites to attract customers or search for potential customers through keywords. In that case, you can quickly get high returns. Social media users are often online and highly sticky for a long time. Social media platforms have become the best places for store owners to promote their marketing. And it has been proven by different ecommerce entrepreneurs that whoever can master social media marketing will be able to scale their ecommerce business to 6 and 7 figures easily. Next, we’ll introduce you to several of the world’s biggest and best social media lead generation sites in detail and provide you with the best social media marketing strategies, so read on!

5 Best Social Media Marketing Platforms

1. TikTok(1 billion users)

TikTok is an emerging short-video UGC platform, and it’s a software that has grown most rapidly in terms of the number of users in recent years. Its global expansion is making jaws drop all over the world. TikTok is undoubtedly one of the most popular social media platforms today. With more than 1 billion monthly active users and rapid traffic growth, TikTok attracts many brands wishing to catch the new traffic wind. You shall not miss it!

It has built an exclusive community for the Z Generation (41% of users are between 16 and 24 years old), and 66% are under 30. They have an intense curiosity about new products and new things and are willing to try them out. And 90% of TikTok users use the app for about 52 minutes every day. This data is far ahead of other platforms. If the younger demographic of Gen Z and Millennials are your target consumers, then it’s time to pay attention to this platform.

In last September, Shopify launched in-app shopping on TikTok. As long as a Shopify store has a corporate account on TikTok, they can add the corresponding shopping tab to the platform and synchronize their product profile. This will enable direct product purchases on TikTok to facilitate the conversion of content to direct product sales. Today there is also information that TikTok and Shopify will continue to expand their cooperation. That is, Shopify store owners can add new shopping options to their profiles and sync links to products to create an online store in the video interface.

Success Example:

Chipotle, a burrito brand, launched a challenge that invited users to upload videos of flipping burritos on TikTok with a related hashtag – #Chipotle elidflip. The campaign had a huge impact with over 11,0000 videos posted and 140 million viewers. That means that nearly 110,000 people bought burritos for taking the video shoot. A simple challenge inspired 110,000 people to spend money, so you can imagine how huge the potential of Tik Tok marketing is!


2. Instagram(2 billion users)

Instagram is an image-oriented UGC platform with 1.4 billion monthly active users and 2.9 billion monthly visits. With 62.2% of users aged 18-34, it is more prevalent among young people. It is particularly popular in India (201 million users) and the United States (157 million users), followed by Brazil (114 million users). And based on the youthfulness of users, Instagram is also a great brand interaction tool. Instagram’s interaction rate is 10 times higher than that of Facebook. And 60% of users like to discover or find new products on Instagram, so Instagram is great for recent product customer acquisitions!

And because Instagram (graphic + short video) is visually oriented and comes with a trendy style, it is the preferred social platform for celebrities and influencers (KOLs & KOCs). It is also a promotion heaven for trendy products such as beauty, apparel, and fashion, so it is easy to create pop-ups to trigger the trend. According to Newswhip, an authoritative U.S. analytics agency, 75% of purchasing actions are made after users see Instagram posts. So you can share engaging product videos and customers’ reviews, create ambassador programs, and so much more to build your ecommerce brand.

Social Media Marketing

One or two posts per day on Instagram are recommended. Using themed hashtags can help you discover your content. However, be careful to keep the number of hashtags to 5 to 12; overuse of hashtags can be mistaken for spam. Liking and commenting on other users’ content can also help increase your followers.

3. Facebook(3 billion users)

Facebook is the social platform with the most significant number of monthly active users (2.9 billion in January 2022), which means that approximately 36.8% of the planet’s population uses Facebook. Facebook’s global user base is skewed toward men (43.4% female vs. 56.6% male), but the difference is insignificant. Women between 45 and 64 are the most likely to click on ads. According to the survey, nearly 75% of U.S. adults log on to Facebook every day, and more than half of Americans log on multiple times a day. Such a vast user base has an unparalleled influence on the audience. And Facebook will monopolize the social market for a long time from a global perspective.

Social Media Marketing

Facebook is a social media platform that allows users to exchange information with each other through posting, sharing, and creating personal pages, which is very powerful. In addition to posting your own product information, you can also actively search for customers through the search box. In Facebook, you can create communities to keep your customers engaged with your content. You can also place advertisements to promote your company’s brands or products.

4. YouTube(2 billion users)

Compared to other platforms, YouTube is more inclusive and can promote a broader range of product types, such as jewelry, beauty, food, clothing, sports, toys, games, etc. YouTube is more mature and professional than other platforms, with good performance in content originality, willingness to cooperate, and dedication. It’s combined with KOL video content in the form of native advertising. The conversion rate is higher (more than 70% of users who watch YouTube promoted content have the will to buy), and with this comes the problem of long video production cycles and high fees.

If you have a good product, you can post an introduction video on YouTube and insert ads in the video. In this way, you can get an excellent publicity effect. YouTube also offers a lot of advertising space, so you can pay to get more quality advertising space to promote your product. YouTube’s videos are also in line with Google’s SEO search habits, and it is connected to Google; those popular videos are often ranked very high on Google. In other words, if your video is on fire, not only the users on YouTube can see your video, but all users using Google can also see your video. So the potential traffic is incalculable.

YouTube marketing

5. Pinterest(0.5 billion)

Pinterest is a social media platform that focuses on Images, Sharing, and Purchasing for free. It was founded in 2010 and is currently the largest social sharing site for images in the world. One of the most common reasons why users use Pinterest is for inspiration. They want to find and share new ideas, which indicates that they are more willing to research new brands, concepts, or products.

More than 60 percent of people say they have discovered a new brand or product while browsing Pinterest. Users are 3 times more likely to click on a brand’s website on Pinterest than on other social media platforms. They spend 29% more on retail purchases compared to people who don’t use Pinterest. The truth is simple; bpeople usually already have a desire to buy before they enter Pinterest for product research and selection. That is, they already have something they want to buy or create, so they turn to the social network to get ideas for purchases.

Pinterest marketing

Meanwhile, a recent study showed that 43% of people on Pinterest are more likely to connect with retailers and brands. In comparison, only 24 percent prefer to do so on Facebook. This also means that for e-commerce, users on Pinterest are more willing to buy. Like many social channels, Pinterest is currently exploring options for paid and promotional Pins; but for now, yes that’s right, it’s still a free platform!

How to Do Your Social Media Marketing

1. Know the rules and functions of each social media platform.

The rules of each social media platform are different, and usually, the platform has its unique features. Being familiar with which behaviors are promoted and encouraged by the platform and which are prohibited by the platform will prevent your account from being blocked and allow you to make full use of the unique advantages of the platform to stand out and capture the specific user groups.

2. Analyze the social media audience and position precisely.

Each platform covers different user groups; they come from different countries, nationalities, and age stages, which leads to the user’s habits, interests, cultural background, and consumption philosophy being also different. We need to do an in-depth analysis on this to figure out what kind of people will buy our products, where they are, and what they will like. So that we can make social media marketing become more attractive to our target audience.

Social Media Marketing

3. Make content for your target marketing audience.

Produce the most popular mainstream social media soft content, classification, and development of various article portfolios. By analyzing the selling points of products and users’ pain points, make attractive software and videos. When these contents are displayed on the social media platform, it is often easy to get users’ attention.

4. Matrix operation, multi-point coverage. 

One or two social media accounts are not enough. We need to create many accounts and publish a large amount of content. We need to combine the characteristics of different platforms with doing marketing. You can republish content on different platforms according to the characteristics to do some modifications. Republished content should be updated with advantageous content as the focus. Republished content can not only help us get more new fans and more interactive engagement (Because no matter how many times you publish an article, you can’t guarantee that everyone will see it, or even only a small percentage of people will see it each time, so republished content is crucial.), but also can repeatedly refresh the senses of fans, which helps marketers communicate the concept and highlight the importance of a particular concept.

Unlike traditional e-commerce, social media lead generation can repeatedly stimulate customers’ needs through text and video to arouse their desire to buy. 

5. Expand your reach with advertising

Stuart Henderson Britt, a famous marketing expert, ever said, “doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does.” So Ads are an integral part of social media marketing. Advertising is the most significant, fastest, and most widespread medium of information transmission, which can stimulate and induce consumption and expand your product awareness.

Many companies think that advertising is a money-burning act! The failure of some large enterprises in advertising is that they have too much money and fail to place ads precisely, which leads to the waste of significant advertising expenses. On the other hand, small and medium-sized enterprises do not know what the real role of advertising is and adopt the strategy of doing as little as possible or not at all, so they always put out advertisements with no end in sight or intermittently. The lack of awareness also makes them afraid to advertise and lose a marketing channel that could have been used.

social media marketing

6. Conduct multilingual social media marketing. 

In addition to several major English-speaking countries, non-English-speaking countries are vastly untapped markets with significant market demand and little competition. So you can conduct multilingual marketing to develop a larger market.

Do not underestimate the keyword traffic of minor languages. After all, it also occupies half of the global search volume. English traffic may be difficult to catch, but we can think differently to get accurate traffic of minor languages. Minor language marketing is as effective as daily meetings in each country. Look closely at the YouTube video channels of many multinational companies. They have been doing minor language marketing for a long time, usually posting videos in 5 or more languages simultaneously.

Here we recommend Gofair, the world’s leading multilingual video marketing platform. It supports the automatic translation of content into 104 languages and the automatic addition of multilingual subtitles to videos. You can make good use of it to do your minor language marketing.

Final words

According to statistics, there are more than 4.5 billion Internet users globally, and 3.8 billion of them (49% of the global population) use social media. These numbers show that social media still has a significant impact on today’s lives. Social media marketing is currently still the best form of marketing. This article introduces the 5 best social media marketing platforms for you to choose from and shows you how to do your social media marketing. Hope you can get some inspiration; you can check out other articles for more advice.

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